- Aerial- standing tall above the subject, or shooting from a tall building, plane, etc...
- Architecture- shots of buildings (no people)
- Artistic- any shot of a subject where creativity is the number 1 goal.
- Black and White - aka... B&W, working with no color.
- Camera Phone- low quality, anytime, anywhere photography.
- Event- Concerts, large parties, gatherings.
- Macro- photographing very small, or very up close images. Very detailed.
- Nature- Land, water, plants and animals.
- Panoramic- Wide view of the subject (often used with large group shots, or landscape shots)
- Underwater- any subject captured underwater... Caution- must have waterproof camera, or waterproof housing for your camera.
No matter the type of photography, the point is to have fun, and to be able to look back on your images and remember important moments in life. But my point is, might as well make them the best "looking" moments as possible =) So as for photography just for a "hobby" no need to worry yourself wondering what type of picture your taking, as long as you're enjoying it. No harm in learning some interesting photography terms though, maybe you can sound like a pro too!
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